for improvement of my English
Why have I been studying English? There are many other languages in the world. Nevertheless, I stick to English language. It may be true that English is the most familiar to Japanese people of all foreign languages, for we, Japanese learn English as a second language at school, but that doesn’t lead to the primary motivation for learning English.
What attracted me to English first was the sound it has. It goes with music very much, compared to Japanese. ( I don’t have any negative feeling about Japanese language. I’m sure Japanese is one of the most profound languages. Among languages there is never superiority. ) I just wanted to sing and to understand the world British musician created. As learning, I got interested in it as a means for communication, and thanks to the internet, we noe have available at any time, anywhere, a great deal of information around the world. On the internet, the language most widely used is undoubtedly, English.
No one can live alone. we, all, are related with each other in someway. What makes the relationship stronger is, I think, communication. Also, appropriate information should lead us to better relationship. That's why English is attractive to me.
In closing, I'm sorry for some wrong expressions and I would like to thank you all for your attention.
It was 6 years ago that I went camping for the first time. ( I hear my parents took my sister and me out for camping, but I don’t remember. ) When camping out with simple, plain tools, a family of four suddenly showed up in front of our camping cite with tools I’d never seen.
They unfolded the tools out there and had in no time built up their “house.” It had a kitchen and a dining room with a kitchen as well as a bedroom ― not a motor home. Although readers there may think that natural, it was astonishing for me then. It was not camping but their “home” that I fell in love with. Of course, I’ve now learned that’s just like the cart before the horse, but my deep love of “home” blinded me. Since then, I’ve been collecting camping outfits. ( I’ll show them to you later even if you don’t want. )